Renegade Paws Orientation

In 2020, largely due to the impact of COVID-19, Renegade Paws Rescue saw a 50% increase in new adopters which necessitated a more streamlined approach to delivering training and resources.

In consultation with the client, it was revealed that the organization needed:

  • a repository of information for first time adopters

  • an inviting and engaging way for well-intentioned first time pet owners to begin their journey with their new pet successfully.

In creating the new adopter course, I:

    • sequenced information

    • created interactive modules as checks for understanding

    • underscored vital skills and knowledge that would enable a smooth transition from prospective adopter to happy pet parent.

See the course in action!

Click "Start Course" below to access the full course.

See the planning documents.

Notes: Initial Client Meeting-Renegade Paws, Savannah GA

Initial Client Meeting: Renegade Paws

Planning document created to:

  • outline the plan for a training module focused on first time dog owners for a rescue organization here in Savannah.

The initial plan includes:

  • essential introductory information

  • a quick course sketch outline.

Client Follow Up 3/31-Renegade Paws

Follow Up Client Meeting: Renegade Paws

Follow-up meeting notes show:

  • an adjustment in the course direction in response to new client information

  • updates outline for course design.